Liberty or Death

For the past few years I have been able to sit back and enjoy time at home with my family, safe in the knowledge that there are plenty of ‘digital soldiers’ out there fighting the good fight for liberty in this country. We’ve had a patriotic President working hard to rebuild our country and despite a bias and corrupt media, plenty of good people have been out there to spread the truth through the cracks on social media.

Back when I first became a citizen, we did not have a patriotic president and there wasn’t much cohesiveness throughout the liberty movement. My first presidential vote went to Gary Johnson out of spite for that snake in snake’s clothing; Mitt Romney. Since then, President Trump has managed to wrangle the cats and we’ve all more or less agreed with the direction he’s led us.

The difference between now and eight years ago is that we are all united now. We being the free thinking, constitution loving patriots of this great country. If you think for a second it will be that easy to steal this election from us, you’ve got another thing coming.

Too many people can see the bias in the media, too many people have experienced the fruit of a lower taxed economy and too many people are pissed off by the idiotic Covid restrictions forced on us by RINO and Democratic governors.

We see the open socialists for what they are. There is no mask any more. They want us dead. They don’t hide it. They’re already making lists of Trump supporters and openly talking about reeducating us. Let me ask them, do you expect us to start wearing yellow stars right now? Or are you just going to try and round us up right away and put us in box cars?’

All the conspiracies about FEMA camps etc. all of a sudden seem very real and there is no way on God’s green earth any of us will go willingly to any of those. Covid doesn’t scare us. Most of us now know someone who’s had the Wu Flu and most people get over it just fine, just as with any other seasonal cold.

The best thing any of us can do right now is use our social media accounts to spread the truth as much as possible. My instagram is being heavily restricted and my reach as been reduced to nearly nothing, but I’m still sharing stories as much as I can to those who would hear it.

A good idea is to have a parler account too, so that we conservatives can at least stay in communication with each other if big tech manages to pull the plug on the lot of us, which they are surely trying to do.

Another great thing to do right now is protest, whether it’s the million MAGA march or at your statehouse. Show up in numbers and show them that we will not go quietly. We will not be silenced. We will not allow this coup to take over our country.

And most importantly, donate, donate, donate to the Trump campaign to fight these bastards in court where we will surely win!

Donate at

Make America Great Again.

Live Free or Die!

Follow me on Instagram @ becoming.american

Follow me on Parler @ becomingamerican

Forced Change

Years ago when I started this blog site (originally called ‘Abundant Truth’) I would type out all of my thoughts and feelings on the politics of the day and say things like ‘we need to change this or that.’ Things have moved on a lot since then and I realize that it is up to us as individuals to lead the way.

Over the years I have started up several blog sites and I’ve always enjoyed writing. I feel like my unique perspective has the potential to influence others in a positive direction. With so much negativity in the news, I feel like looking back on good honest Americana and traditions is what each of us needs.

With being furloughed right now and having caught up on most of my house projects, I now have time to focus on an outlet for positive change.

It’s time for me to retool this website again and I look forward to input from new followers.

Stay tuned.

Solid Education on the Constitution

After returning from a trip to New England last fall, which included seeing Boston and Plymouth Rock, I became more interested in how the constitution came to be and how it relates to my own English history. I decided to start the Hillsdale College Constitution 101 course shortly after Thanksgiving and earlier this week I completed the course after studying all 10 lessons and taking the final quiz.

One of the things I learned in the class was how effective America’s constitution is and how England doesn’t have one. Britain does not have a codified constitution. It is considered a living constitution that can be updated with the times. This may sound good but it isn’t. The progressives once sought a living constitution when England was at its height of empire. However the living constitution and rise of socialism led to its undoing. Today England is experiencing Orwellian crackdowns on free speech and its citizens are unable to defend themselves. The American founding fathers made sure checks and balances were set in stone with the constitution. It is not a living document.

While there may be many issues in America today, the reasons why we are still able to have free speech and defend ourselves can be found in the writings from the founding fathers and how republican American government was set up to protect individual liberty.

The Hillsdale College Constitution 101 course teaches us about why the constitution is important and why the founders set up the American system as a large Republic. They also explain the three crises in American government; the revolution and inception of the constitution. Slavery and civil war. And the ongoing battle against progressivism, which we are still fighting today.

I would highly recommend the course for all Americans.


A Tribute to Doc Thompson

I was shocked to learn last night about the passing of Doc Thompson. He did not succumb to old age or sickness, but instead was hit by a train while out for an afternoon jog. His death highlights how fragile and short life really is.

I met Doc a couple of times when he was still living in Ohio. The first time I met him was at a winery where he was there for an event against carbon taxes. I believe it was called something like ‘protest against the green weenies’ or something like that. He always made light and poked fun at liberal causes. When I met him he shook my hand as if he knew me already and made polite small talk and asked me a few questions. Then he ran off to give a quick speech at the podium and spoke in the same way in which he had just talked to me. He was always the same, both in person and in front of a mic.

The second time I saw him was at a Freedom Expo event in Kentucky. After the event was over I remember following him over to the Hofbrauhaus where we had great tall mugs of beer and talked about future politics. I remember him driving a tiny little Honda Fit, which seemed funny for a guy so tall as Doc. I learned from a later radio broadcast of his that it was once his mom’s car. Doc always did what it took to get around, even if it meant driving his mom’s car.

I used to listen to Doc in the mornings. He was always funny and full of cheer. What you heard on the radio was exactly what you got in real life. I’m saddened by his passing not just because such a lovely funny man is gone, but because he leaves behind a wife and young kids. I would ask that you consider donating to the go-fund-me page set up in his name to help his young family.

His passing is a reminder of how fragile life is and how we must always live in the moment and enjoy the time we have here. Growing old is a privilege.

Rest in peace Doc. Thanks for all the laughs.

Darkest Before the Dawn

Storm clouds gather over Washington DC. The democrats did not win anything by temporarily ending the shut down. In little over two weeks it will happen again. As the saying goes; you don’t negotiate with terrorists. The democrats are not interested in compromise, they are only interested in power. They have no concern for the American people.

President Trump is playing a high stakes game of winner take all. The border wall is a very big issue. It is the difference between law and order and lawlessness.

The deep state is now showing its teeth for the world to see with the arrest of Roger Stone. Who’s only crime is accidentally ‘lying’ to the FBI. Which essentially anyone can do if asked over and over again multiple questions. Eventually you’ll remember something you forgot previously. Then they pounce on you ‘aha! you lied to us!’ This is not a real crime. There is definitely no ‘collusion.’ What is happening at the top of the FBI is criminal. There was no need for a huge show of force to arrest an unarmed 66 year old man early in the morning. The whole thing with the CNN tip off stinks to high heaven. And lets not get started with  the Hillary Clinton Email server fiasco with all the drives being smashed and deleted. The FBI is rotten at the top and its gestapo like tactics on Friday should shock everyone.

The medias bias is now no longer hyperbole. It really is fake news. We’ve seen this with the Covington Kid. All the MSM networks ran with the story of the kids harassing a native american, when in actual fact it was the opposite way around. The good news with all of this is that the answer to all of the corruption and bias is with the response from Nick Sandmann’s parents. They’ve hired a top lawyer to go after the MSM networks and individuals who have made threats against him. That is the only way to solve this problem. We must fight fire with fire. It is not OK for celebrities and news networks to threaten the lives of children.

With Roger Stone what we will likely see is a Jonah and the Whale scenario. Stone is innocent and he is smart. The fish may have swallowed him up, but it will end up spitting him out. Paul Manafort may have had a shady past, but Stone evidently plays by the rules. After two years of non stop investigation, the only ‘crimes’ on him are ‘process crimes’ of accidentally forgetting to mention something in previous interviews.

If you want to play your part in protecting the republic, I suggest you make your voice heard. Call your representative, support go fund me efforts, get out and protest, comment intellectually on social media. Teach your children. Show people who are on the fence the right way. Be a good person, play your part.

No republic is lost when enough people stand up to tyranny. In this information age, the truth can catch up quickly to the lies and the smears. Keep the faith and keep going. It’s always darkest before the dawn.

The First Step in Saving America

Saving America from socialism starts at home. When you board a plane the safety demonstration always tells you to put your own oxygen mask on first before helping others.

Stop trying to change the world. That doesn’t work. Start by changing yourself. Think about what you are doing, what are your contributions? What classes are you taking? What meetings are you attending? Which amendments are you practicing? Who are you teaching?

We lead by example and by taking our own steps we show others the way. A lot of people exclaim “we need to do something!” What they’re really saying is “you need to do something!” Otherwise they would already be doing it.

Politics is very divisive, particularly in this current environment. It would be very easy to fall down a rabbit hole of negativity and bashing those with opposing views. I think it is better to express our opinions openly and take the time to research what we are talking about. The more informed we are, the better we can give calm measured responses to those who question us.

You’re never going to get through to a person who is hardcore into their political position, but by being calm and logically stating your case, you might get through to a couple of people listening to your argument.

The better educated we each are, the better off our families, communities and country will be. The first step in saving America is by saving and improving yourself.

Take Action

The world belongs to those who take action.

I remember two months ago sitting in a hotel room overlooking Niagara Falls. The democrats had just won back the house. I felt sick to my stomach. The raving loony party was back in charge of policy making. I realized then that I needed to take action. Just because President Trump is sitting in the oval office, it doesn’t mean we should sit back. He needs our support if he is able to continue with the MAGA agenda.

Thinking of the house I remembered that it was won back by the republicans in 2010 with the tea party movement which started shortly after Barack Obama was elected. I realized then that I hadn’t been to a tea party since before President Trump was elected. I think it’s time I showed back up again.

There are Tea Party groups all over the country. There’s probably one close to you that you’ve never even heard about. Most of them are quite small, but are filled with like-minded people who wish to preserve and defend the constitution of the United States.

When I returned home from my trip out east in November I stared at my Oath of Allegiance and my naturalization certificate. I began to think of my son and the kind of country he’s growing up in. Things are good right now, but if the democrats gain real power (ie the Senate or the Presidency) then we’re heading for real trouble. Barack Obama was an awful president and the economy sucked during his tenure, but I fear it will be worse under another democrat as they are heading decidedly ever further to the authoritarian left. We see it with big tech, we see it with censorship and shadow bans and we see it with the lunatic bias of the mainstream media. Something must be done.

We are the ones to do it.

When I became a citizen I started this blog. It was called abundant truth and it began very innocently with me expressing my opinions on the constitution, this country and current events. After a year or so my posts began to fade and I got busy with life. I began to vote and I felt like I did my bit and eventually president Trump was elected. But now with a resurgence from the democrat party, we must as President Trump once put it “fight fire with fire.”

So how can you do your part? Simple. Take a course on the constitution, find your local tea party and attend an event. Start a blog post. Talk to your like-minded friends and family. Teach your children! The journey of a thousand miles as the say, starts with a single step.

I have taken this old blog, renamed it and will start pumping out new content. I hope you find it useful.

It is up to us, each and every one of us, to do our part. I hope that my content inspires you to do yours and together we will continue to Make America Great Again.

Be the change you want to see in the world

Since Donald Trump became President a lot of conservatives seem to believe that he has a magic wand, that he is all-seeing and all-powerful. Lately, with tech censorship and shadow banning of conservatives I hear a lot of people say things like “why doesn’t President Trump do something about it?”

My thoughts are that he is already doing things about it. His defiant tweets spit in the face of those who wish to silence him, while more importantly at the same time he is doing everything in his power to install new constitutional judges across the board.

The problem with executive orders is that they can be undone. It is my belief that President Trump is doing everything in his power to create a lasting legacy where the new judges will be more restrained and rule in favor of the constitution instead of their own warped liberal activism.

President Trump can only do as much as he can with the cards handed to him and he is surrounded by sharks in the name of the media, the left, the rinos and the deep state.

So the question then is not “why doesn’t President Trump do something?” but instead “why don’t I do something?”

President Trump was critical of the presidency and of government long before he ever decided to run. The fight to begin removing ‘rinos’ started years before he ran for President.

The same people who attended the first Tea Party rallies when Barack Obama became President are the ones who are now township trustees and members of the house and senate. It takes years of grass-roots activism and tossing your hat in the ring where necessary. It also takes a new generation of leaders and patriots.

It has occurred to me that the youth in this county are not taught enough about the constitution and its importance. When I pledged my oath of allegiance I had to swear to it, to uphold and protect it. Now that I have a child of my own, I realize how important it is to protect the founders vision of the country for generations to come.

My generation gets a lot of flak for being too lazy or too unmotivated. Maybe that is the case with some of them, but not all. I think that it is far more important to shine a light on the goodness in this country and to learn its history than point the blame on this generation or argue amongst ourselves.

The task therefore, to those who are reading this is to educate yourselves and take action. May I first suggest taking a course on the constitution. It is highly informative and a great place to start. If you’re thinking about going to a tea party rally or a township meeting; do it! Start participating, go to a protest, write to your member of congress, call your senator’s office. The mainstream media may be corrupt, and the tech giants may think they can silence us, but local and persistent action will outrun them. After all, the founders managed to overcome much more with much less.

Do you know of any resources that will help others? Sound off in the comments!

Todays Feature is Hillsdale College Consitution 101

constitution 101

Going Forward

If I were to die tomorrow, I would want my son to have as many tools as possible to become everything he wanted to be in life. As it stands today, America holds the greatest possibilities in the world for anyone to achieve and yet many do not recognize or understand that.

I believe it is important for the youth of America to learn and recognize just how special, important and great this country really is.

I think that the best thing I can do for my son going forward and for the youth of America going forward is to provide lessons that I have learned along with some great resources for further reading.

Going forward this site will provide links to informative and think-out-of-the-box sites along with commentary from me on my thoughts and insights.

This is my journey of becoming an American citizen. I hope that you enjoy the new content going forward.

Decentralization – The Capitalist Answer to Everything

There is a difference between capitalism and corporatism. Capitalism and the free market allow for competition to take place and new ideas to flourish. Corporatism seeks to control everything.

Lately, we have seen liberal dominated tech companies such as Google and Twitter shut down conservatives. What was once open and free is now becoming more and more controlled. Conservatives are being banned and shadow banned when it doesn’t fit the narratives the big companies like.

So do we invite the government in to regulate? Or should we allow other companies to innovate instead?

The creator of the world wide web decided to do the later:

The man who gave us one of the greatest technological leaps of the late 20th Century has done it again with ‘Inrupt’ which just may well become the new way we use the internet.

If you want to stop the democrats and big tech from silencing you; vote republican in November and checkout new startup technologies such as Inrupt.

Just as with crypto currencies, the internet is still evolving. We’re only just getting started!