How socialism led to the French massacre

There is so much wrong with socialism that it would be impossible to explain all the details as to how it led to the French massacre in one article. There are three brief points however, that I do want to make with this article.

Gun Control

I’ve written about Gun Control before, and how it only disarms the victims. Those countries without gun control have the lowest crime rates, while those with the tightest gun control only ever see a rise in violent crime. Not only could the workers at Charlie Hebdo not carry weapons, knowing full well that their lives were threatened by Islamic extremists, but even the poor police officer who tried to help was powerless because he too did not have a weapon. Had he been issued a pistol, he could have returned fire on these terrorists, instead of laying there, pleading for his life, before being mercilessly executed.

Immigration without assimilation

The idea that all are welcome, and do not need to show anything for it. When I emigrated to the US, I took the steps to becoming a citizen. After swearing my oath of allegiance, I did everything I could to guard that oath, to protect and defend the US  Constitution. I did everything I could, and still do, to blend in and to participate in American society. I try to make American values my own. I try to live up to the founding fathers vision. Do you think the Islamic terrorists, who themselves were French citizens, tried to live up to French values? Did they try to fit in? Did they try to participate in French society? Their actions show that they did none of this.

Political correctness

It’s no use calling them ‘crazed gunmen’. As if it’s the guns that are the problem. It’s no use calling it a ‘deadly attack’ when it is indeed a terrorist attack. It’s no use trying to protect or appease Muslims. No, not all Muslims are violent, but these men were radical Islamist extremists. They were terrorists. They should be labeled as such.

It is sickening to hear the mostly leftist media trying to cover for the Muslims. It is shocking to see that they are more concerned with back lash against Muslims, than upset with the brutal murder of innocent people. It is ludicrous to compare these atrocities to a lawsuit from the 1980’s.

There is a problem in Europe, and particularly in France with a Muslim population growing within their country. The problem is not the Muslims themselves, but the extreme faction within their religion, which has been allowed to percolate because politicians and left wing media alike do not want to call the pot black, and tell the truth.

If It hadn’t been for gun control, immigration without assimilation, and political correctness, these attacks would likely not have happened at all.

I hope that the French people can throw off the shackles of socialism, and pacify the radical Islamists in their country without turning to violence.

Lower taxes, increased gun rights, and better integration of immigrants would go a long way to solving their problems.

It is a sad week for France. My thoughts go out to all the families who lost loved ones by the acts of these barbarous Islamic terrorists.


To any French readers out there:

Cette semaine nous sommes tous Charlie.

The King has spoken

Our soon to be re-crowned King has spoken to his subjects, and has decreed by executive order 23 provisions to administer throughout his domain.

king 8

His majesty’s loyal subjects are not to be trusted with firearms any longer, as there are too many unstable people who might go on another shooting spree. Aside from looking at the true causes for these mass shootings, namely the taking of pharmaceutical drugs, our King has decided that his subjects should be treated like children and that all of them should have their toys taken away from them if one of them acts up.

king 6

Let me make this point very clear; the government is not your daddy. Although it is perhaps an abusive husband, beating you when you step out of line, but promising always to make things right again afterwards.

king 5

I’ve mentioned before how gun control doesn’t work, you’d think a man who once lived in Chicago, which has the toughest gun laws in the nation, and yet has the highest per-capita murder rate, would know that gun control doesn’t work. Unless of course his intent is simply to disarm a disciplined populace to advance his reign of tyranny.

king 4

It’s ironic that our King flanked himself with children yesterday as he used them as a shield by which to maneuver his decrees. Children make the best excuse for tyrants to pass their wicked laws.

king 12

The emotionally charged, and uninformed have cried out for their daddy government to take care of them in this hour of need, instead of take the adult option of informing themselves and preparing for another tragedy in a sensible and responsible way.  Some people have done this, such as a high school in Ohio, which voted unanimously to allow its janitors to carry concealed weapons on campus just in case something bad was to happen, so long as they are well trained beforehand. This method has worked quite well in areas where concealed carry holders have put an end to a mad mans desperate attempt at bloody revenge on a personal vendetta.

king 15

Never mind that more hammers were used to kill people last year than rifles, and never mind that as many people are killed each year by drunk drivers as firearms altogether. You are but a lowly subject, and you are not to be trusted. It is best that you turn your firearms in now, and bow to your king.

king 13

Ah, but that’s not going to happen is it? You see there is this ‘little book’ as Piers Morgan so derogatorily called it that prevents the King from having his way throughout the land. In fact, this ‘little book’ was written after some very wise men fought a war of independence to break away from their king.

king 9

If more of the King’s subjects bothered to read this sacred document, they might not bow and cower before him so easily. In fact they might get ideas of rebellion form in their heads also, as their founding fathers once did.

king 11

More and more people are now reading the United States Constitution, and realizing that the King does not have the legal right to amass the power he now presides over, and that it is we the people who are to govern ourselves, not to be dictated to by a man who wishes to build himself an empire from his throne in Washington DC.

king 10

There is indeed talk of rebellion throughout the land, and his subjects are getting very upset at the King’s actions.

king 3

There are Tea Party groups, Liberty groups and other well funded organizations which are starting to band together in unison against the King’s decrees, and are willing to do anything possible to stop him. Like the patriots before them, they will do everything they can in a peaceful manner to bring about peace, justice and liberty to their lands, but they will not allow it to be taken from them by force.

king 7

Nine of the ten amendments have been all but surpassed in recent years, and the last one stopping the King and his loyal lords from gaining complete power is only to be used as a last line of defense  The second amendment is America’s doomsday provision. The right to own an assault rifle comes from a need to defend this country from tyranny; both foreign and domestic.

king 1

The time will come soon where each individual will have to ask himself if he is willing to bow before the King’s wishes, or act out of rebellion to protect the rights of himself and his family. The constitution affords each man and women the right to defend themselves from such tyranny.

king 2

The King may grow wise over the next four years and eventually step down from his throne, but considering his actions over the previous four years, it is unlikely he will end his reign of power, lies and deceit on the American people. If he does attempt to confiscate his subjects firearms, he will inevitably start a civil conflict that will erupt into a full blown war of independence once more. And we all know how the last war ended for the King before him.

king 14