Get an education

In order to find the truth, you must be able to read all the signs as you navigate through the minefields of information on the information highway that is the internet. Never in history has so much information been available to so many people and so easily and cheaply. Also, never has so much misinformation been so widespread, to get people off the scent of corruption.

“Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
There are so many distractions in the world today, that it is easy to forget what you were originally perusing, and even easier to be misguided into thinking completely differently to what you had originally set out to do.
And when speaking about education; I’m not talking about going to college. In fact, college is a big distraction. Over inflation of prices, and corruption, have made a good solid education hard to come by, and the cost to do so, will have you drowning in debt for life.
No, a true education is one that you seek for yourself from your heart. What is it that you truly wish to learn about? Do you want to learn history? What for? Do you want to learn math? Again; what for?
In order for your life to feel complete, if you feel as I do, you need to continually learn new subjects, and discover more about the world around you. It adds to life and the spice of it, when you can speak a few sentences in French, or name a fancy wine, or even talk about the affects of the British Empire on the modern world.
Can you read maps? Can you spot the difference between a genuine statement and a lie? The more you read about the world around you, and the further you go to discover the real truth, the more educated you will become.
It is not merely enough to ‘get a degree’ or follow the current flow of your country. The definition of intelligence is the ability to decipher information and understand the whole meaning of problems presented to you. A real education is to gain an understanding of the world around you, and how to make the most out of it.
There is a common theme among the people who didn’t go to college, many are inventors and innovators, and many simply have a unique understanding of business. One of my favorite books is ‘think and grow rich’ Because the mindset of believing in yourself and pushing yourself forward, is what propels these people to be successful.
Another great book is Rich Dad Poor Dad, which is a book about a boy who learns that even though his dad is a teacher, and very intelligent, he is also poor. And even though his friend’s dad is not very well educated, he is fast becoming wealthy.
Rich dad poor dad is a book that I read when I was 14 years old, and I can define it as the single most important book I’ve ever read, as far as putting me on a different path to everyone else. No I’m not a multimillionaire, and I’m not going to spew out a bunch of get rich quick programs for you to join, although I’ve come across my fair share of them. No, this book really gets you thinking about living life differently, and about how education effects your future.
Start looking at the world around you, and start thinking outside the box, and that is where your real education will begin.

Published by

Paul Townsend

Paul is a freelance writer who grew up in the UK and became an American citizen.

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