Your economy

No matter what happens in the world around you. Your own self economy is the most important.

What have you done to reduce your debt? What can you pay off right now? Do you have a business? How do you make extra money? Do you diversify your income? Do you have any investments?

When I was 14 years old I read a book called ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’. This book changed my life. Not only did it open my mind up to another way of thinking, it also got me thinking about how I should use and save money.

Now that I am in my twenties and have credit cards and vechicle payments, I think back on ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’ and realise where I went astray.

A couple of days ago I was talking to a friend at work, who is about my age, and he was telling me about ‘Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace’. Basically Dave talks about snowballing your debt, and creating an emergency savings account, and investing your money so that eventually you end up earning as much from your investments as you do from your job. This sounded very appealing to me, as my wife and I are already ‘snowballing’ our debt to be debt free by the end of this year. The teachings from ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’ are starting to come back to me, and I am getting better at network marketing.

Now being a salesperson will not get you far if you are always trying to ‘sell’ someone something. Use something that will appeal to others without you having to ‘sell it’ to them.

I use a site called Peoplestring; it’s a free site that you can use to network market with other people. It’s sort of a dashboard for everything you do. You can use it for sending emails, creating your own widgets, or ‘insta portals’, you can use it to connect to Facebook and twitter. You can even use it to make extra cash with their ‘people dollar deals’. Like I said, I’ve been using it for two years now, and it’s free to join and free to use. They don’t spam you with mail, and it’s my homepage on every computer I use, because its so darn useful.

If you would like to find out more about Peoplestring, just copy and paste this link:

There are a whole range of options to help you become more financially independent.

My wife and I also have a photography company. We book a lot of weddings, and local photo shoots. This helps to subsidize our income, and is starting to make us independent of our jobs as our independent company grows.

Financial independence is important, it fully frees you from obligations to banks, government and other people.

We participate in the economy because it enhances our lives. We should never be forced to participate in it through necessity.

The farmers of the past moved to the cities to create better lives for themselves, because they were able to make more money and provide more for their familes. They willingly choose to do this.

“I swear by my life and my love of it, that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor have another man live for the sake of mine.” – John Galt, Ayn Rand’s ‘Atlas Shrugged’.

So what are you doing to enhance your financial independence?

Whether you snowball debt, or create a business, becoming independent, or at least less dependent on the system, will help you to maintain your own individual sovereignty.

The industries of the future will become (like they were supposed to be) more of a choice than a neccessity, with our own love of technologies and the enhancement of our lives at our core reason for working.

“America’s abundance was not created by public sacrifices to the common good, but by the productive genius of free men who pursued their own personal interests and the making of their own private fortunes.” — Ayn Rand

Published by

Paul Townsend

Paul is a freelance writer who grew up in the UK and became an American citizen.

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