Dreams and awaking to reality

As I dream I think of all the wonderful things I have experienced in my life, and imagine all the things I would like to do. In my dreams I live in a free world where I build my reality to suit my needs and desires. In my dreams, my wife is there, the sun is rising on the horizon, and my dog perks up his ears as I get out of bed and he rushes to my side for me to let him out.

When I wake up, I realize that I am living my dream. My wife is beside me, and my dog stretches out on the floor after a night’s sleep by or on our bed, and waits patiently for me to let him out. I open the door and he trots out into the morning dew over grass, and I look out to the east as the sun rises, and draw a deep breath to inhale the fresh air. I watch over my dog as he sniffs around at all the new smells, and discovers which creatures have come and gone during the night. He does his business, and marks his territory in a way only dogs know how. I call his name and he gallops back toward the house, I give him a treat and I make myself breakfast.

As I get my lunch ready and pack up my bag for the day, I don my leather jacket, helmet and gloves, and fire up my V-Star. The engine ticks over and I give it a little throttle, I edge out of the driveway and slip through the gears,  cruising down the street at a steady 30mph. Once I get to the main road my senses kick in and I become acutely aware of the sleepy drivers who are usually not paying enough attention to the road. I have avoided my fair share of accidents, and know what to look for now.

I cross the first intersection between my house and my place of work, and now something feels out of place. The sunrise was nice, seeing my wife and dog was comforting, and feeling the thumping V-Twin of my bike smoothly rattle through my body as I twist the throttle gave me all the right sensations that a well oiled machine should. But something is out of place, something doesn’t feel right, something puts me on edge.

Why are there so many security cameras going up on all these intersections? And why am I constantly looking down at my speedometer, instead of putting 100% focus on the road and others around me? Why do I feel this sense of being watched, of being judged, of being sized up like a meal? Why do I feel like I am evading some bird of pray, as if I were being hunted?

I realize that things are not right in this country. We have decended into a police state. Yesterday I wrote about a new book coming out, one that defies the corrupt policemen and their puppet masters. All these new cameras being set up, and all the police cruisers patrolling around, they are not there for our safety. They are there to tax us through citations, and to enslave us if we do not comply.

The DUI checkpoints that are being set up are not to stop drink drivers, but to prepare the police for martial law, and to get them used to arresting people without due cause.

We are now living in a police state, but the dreams I have and the reality I have are still very similar, and I still create my own reality, but the poison of ignorance and submission are seeping in all around us, and the outlook gets murkier by the second.

I have woken up now, and do not wish to go back to sleep on reality. I wish to pursue my dreams, and wish that everyone else be able to do the same, without fear of being held back by others, like pray before a predator, because there are looters and moochers out there who cannot and will not provide for themselves.

Your hard work is your own, and you should be able to keep the produce that you create, it is not someone else’s for the taking, no matter what the excuse may be.

And for those who would try and use people’s happiness against them, to use their family members, or to take their possessions to teach them a lesson on how not to stand up and defend themselves. I will warn you. Once a man has had everything taken away from him, he becomes unstoppable. That is why Obi-Wan say’s “if you strike me down, I will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine”. There are thousands of people out there right now who feel that way. The ripple effect is being felt around the country and indeed the world right now. Those who practice injustice will be held accountable. In time, bad deeds will catch up with you, and the ends never justify the means. You will be judged for your actions.

As for me, I’d like to live in a world where I can freely trade with others, where I can live my life without having to bother anyone, or mooch off them. I am quite content to leave others alone.

To those who wish to silence the individuals who are leading the charge back toward liberty and away from tyranny, I will say: Remember the Alamo, though all the soldiers died, their deaths were avenged, and victory was had. You may try to shut down websites, you may try to silence the critical thinking minds on this earth and in this country. But this will end in failure. Societies cannot function without intelligent people at the helm.

So to those who are concerned, who feel the same way I do; that something is out of place, I say: Stand up for your rights and protect your dreams. Live the reality that you see fit, and flush out the sewage that is currently lining our streets. Learn what true liberty is, not just blind patriotism. Learn the constitution, and remember  that violence is not necessarily even when presented with it on our doorstep. Everything starts with the mind.

Dreams and ideas are directly intertwined, and no police state, no surveillance, no cops, no politicians, no jail cell, not even death or execution can hold back an idea or a dream.

“An idea who’s time has come cannot be stopped by any army or any government” – Ron Paul

What are your dreams? Are you living the way you want to? Are you finding happiness each day?

I have found happiness, but I see those around me who are controlled by fear, and will do anything to survive off the backs of others, instead of providing for themselves in order to thrive.

Ask yourself this question; Is this Martin Luther King’s Dream that we are living in right now, or is it becoming Adolf Hitler’s fascist nightmare?

You decide for yourself. I will stand up and speak out for as long as I can.

I know my dream. Do you know yours?

Published by

Paul Townsend

Paul is a freelance writer who grew up in the UK and became an American citizen.

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