Hurricane Sandy and the test of individuals

As Hurricane Sandy barrels down on the east coast, we are reminded of what is really important to us. We look to our families, to our structures, and to our achievements as individuals as we brace ourselves for the worst.

It is up to the individual to secure for himself and his family a strong building, and supplies to last through a storm and it’s aftermath.

It is the individuals and their inventions which give us structures to take shelter in, devices to track weather patterns, and storage to hold food during the storm.

It is the individuals who board up their homes to prevent glass breaking, who fill sandbags to prevent their homes from flooding, who store extra food and water for power outages. It is the individuals who will pick up the pieces after the storm has passed.

Do not look for government to help you during this mess. Take care of yourself, take care of your family. Always be prepared, and always improvise in times of need.

God speed to everyone in the path of the storm.

Published by

Paul Townsend

Paul is a freelance writer who grew up in the UK and became an American citizen.

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